Jon Hunnålvatn Tøn, Hunnalvatn Media
hangurstoppen voss gondol

To the mountains with Voss Gondol!

The gondola takes you from the train- and bus station in Voss to Mount Hanguren (820 masl) in under nine minutes.

At the top station you get a panoramic view to many of the mountains surrounding Voss. You'll also find a variety of activities here - in the summertime you can go hiking, biking, paragliding or visit the restaurant and café and simply enjoy the view. In the winter season the gondola takes you to the ski resort Voss Resort, where you can have fun in the snow all day.

Click here for mor information and to order tickets online!


Wheather you are searcing for short og long hiking trips, Hangurstoppen is the perfect starting point for hiking in the mountains. Here – you’ll find spectacular nature and marked trails suited for everyone. 

Hanguren Panorama

This round tour starts just outside the top station at Hangurstoppen. This is an easy walk that is suitable for all ages and levels, and you can even bring a stroller. The trail is around 800 meter and offers beautiful panoramic view of Voss’ mountains, lakes and part of the town centre.

Photo: Jon Hunnalvatn Tøn, Hunnalvatn Media

Mount Hangur / Hanguren

The area at Hanguren is an easy and accessible hiking area for all ages. If you are looking for a full workout, the mountain has lots to offer, but you can also find plenty of trails that are suitable for the entire family. From the old “Hangursrestauranten” you have panorama view overlooking the Vangsvatnet lake and Voss town centre.

From Hanguren, one can also access “The Red Cross Cabin / Røde Kors hytta”, Raugstad, mount Lønahorgi or Bavallen. One can also walk down to Mølstertunet or Voss town centre from here.

The Red Cross Cabin / Røde kors hytta

The red cross cabin is accesible from both Bavallen and Hanguren. Situated by the lake “Valbergstjørni”, it is possible to take a swim on hot summer days. The cabin is a popular hiking destinaton with great view to some of the mountains surrounding Voss, amongst others - mount Lønahorgi.

Røde Kors-hytta
Photo: Jon Hunnalvatn Tøn, Hunnalvatn Media

Mount Lønahorgi

Mount Lønahorgi (1410 MASL) is another popular destination for hiking. Choose to start from either mount Hangur og Bavallen. From the summit of mount Lønahorgi one has spectacular view and one clear days you can see a total of 4 glaciers from the top; Fresvikbreen, Hardangerjøkulen, Vossaskavlen and Folgefonna. 

Please note that the trail to Lønahorgi is a demanding hiking trip with a distance of approx. 20 km return trip, lasting around 6 – 8 hours. The climb from Bavallen to Lønahorgi is around 1100 meters. During summer, the trail is marked. The trail covers high mountain terrain, where the weather can change quickly. Therefore, one should/must bring a map and compass at all times.  

Hangurstoppen Restaurant

At the top station of the gondola you'll also find Hangurstoppen Restaurant. The restaurant has room for 450 people and serves cold and warm dishes made from local ingredients. See menu and read more about the restaurant here!

Hangurstoppen restaurant  
Photo: Jon Hunnalvatn Tøn, Hunnalvatn Media


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