På sykkel rundt vangsvatnet
©Bike the Fjords

Around lake Vangsvatnet

This is a route that runs along a slightly hilly asphalt trail on a less busy road. The trip goes through many farmyards, passes small waterfalls, and has several attractions along the way. The trip is suitable for those over 10 years.

Route description
The trip starts at church Vangskyrkja and goes on the north side of Vangsvatnet in the direction of Bergen (along the E16). From the church, follow the footpath and cycle path on the right side of the road. After about 250 meters you pass Fleischer's Hotel and the cycle path continues on the left side of the road. After 1.1 km you pass Voss Vandrarheim. You cross the road again, this time over a bridge. Follow the cycle path continuing parallel to the road (E16). The cycle path is separated from the road. After a while you enter the "old road". The road follows the terrain and will take you through farmyards and some very idyllic scenery. 

After 8 km you reach the end of the lake and here you cross the river Vosso. Turn left just over the bridge. Follow the main road on the south side of Vangsvatnet towards the center of Voss.

Towards the end of the trip you have two options;
Alternative 1: Turn left across the bridge Langebrua and continue through Uttrågata and you are immediately back at Vangskyrkja.
Alternative 2: After passing the exit to the Dagestad Museum on the right and getting to the bottom of the hill, by a large red house, turn left and then cycle across the river Vosso via the walking bridge Tintrabrua. Here you cycle straight ahead on the gravel path through the park Prestegardsmoen. At the exit of the park, you pass an outdoor pool on the right. Continue straight, through the avenue and end the trip at Vangskyrkja.

Bergslitræet in prestegardsmoen
